01 February 2006

my stalker

Not exactly sure what's funnier; you sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for me to post some 'insightful analysis', or the fact that your little weekend rant generated a grand total of 2 hits for Editoriale. Its probably safe to assume that 1 of those was you, and the other was most likely Paul. Alone that's pretty funny, but its even funnier when you consider that 15x more people visited my archive simply by searching Google in 1 day than the sum total of referrals from those super smart dogs. About the content you find here... everything I post, I post for a reason. Don't like it, don't come back. Its a pretty simple 'proposition'. When I feel like being 'insightful', I will be. It really is a shame that your "new job, new location, new housing, etc" has been such an obstacle to your ascent the ranks of "big time blogger" (your devoted readership of 3 people would most certainly agree), and we all hope that someday you'll grace the world with more deep, insightful and unique posts. 'Til then, I wish you the best ... or something like that. Thanks for visiting.

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