23 February 2006

the dubai port deal

Much ado about nothing... or intrinsically bothersome? Guess it depends on who you're talking to. Balance for yourself the importance of promoting economic freedom and equality for Middle Eastern companies with the now-paramount factors involving American port security and the potential for the wrong people to receive the wrong information at the wrong time. Are politicos at every level of government enveloping criticism of this deal with rhetoric and racist innuendo? Yep. Are people overstating this deal's direct connection to matters of port security? Yep. Is UAE a hot spot for radical Islamic fundamentalists and jihadists? Yep. Is Dubai Ports World state-owned and operated? Yep. Are there valid concerns about spillover and infiltration? Yes, there are. UAE is also a safe-haven for folks like Victor Bout. James Ridgeway gives us another reason to consider this deal very carefully in today's Village Voice: A Russian arms merchant funnels money, guns, and dope through the United Arab Emirates [update: Douglas Farah, who always keeps 1 eye fixed on Bout, has this today at CTblog.]

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