28 September 2005


AP Photo/Evan Vucci Stroke it wingnuts. You'll be getting months of mileage out of this picture. It's a shame the loss of her son drove her over the edge of rationality [who calls John McCain a 'warmonger'?]. And Cindy really seems to be enjoying her police escort more than, say.... a normal person. But regardless of her irrationality, she's fighting the good fight. And she clearly has bigger balls than any of her bilious incessant detractors. Yo idiots... just so you know... you are amplifying her message and strengthening her cause with each and every one of your simple-minded character assassinations. Please continue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Stroke it wingnuts."

What a wonderful contribution to coherent discussion you've offered the world.

Get over yourselves...the anti-war crowd, much as you may appreciate the message, is a bunch of agenda-driven loons.