14 September 2005

site adjustments/announcement

OK, for the 2 dozen or so daily readers of this blog... You may notice other folks posting here following a round of invites sent last night. So far 2 fairly-balanced (not really) posters and 1 very balanced, level-headed and well meaning whipping post (monk, that's you!) have signed on and will hopefully add their own flavor to Editoriale. The long range goal is fairly simple; to broaden debate and discussion and generate ideas beyond what 1 perspective (my own) can bring. Over the next few weeks, site traffic being a limiting factor, I'll work to recruit others, which may in some cases require the full conversion of coworkers and non-bloggers into the blogosphere. Also, we added word verification to the "comments" section to prevent us from having to delete those stupid auto-comment SPAM bot... things. That gets old after a while. Agree or disagree with anything you see here? Leave a comment, but don't make it vulgar, or I'll delete it. I can be quite the Nazi when I need to be. :) Enjoy your stay. Oh, ps: how 'bout a big round of applause for our kooky friends over at MyDogsAreSmarter. They might be crazy, but they're good people. Or something like that.

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