23 September 2005

Ooh, What Was Everyone wearing?

Do the creme de la creme of the lefty bloggers get their own society page now? Be still my beating heart! All you need to know was that the waiters wore black, Michael Stipe was in attendance, and Eric Alterman was sporting a sassy Hugo Boss number. Blech. I saw the Seinfeld rerun last night when Kramer was living it up as a Tony winner (accidental), lunching at Sardi's, watching the sun rise at Liza's ("MINELLI?" "Uh, no."). This reminds me of that in a strange way. Completely unrelated - speaking of the tube, the new Chris Rock sitcom is a scream. Tough to recall another show that makes such pointed, affecting insights into family life without ever being schmaltzy or preachy (the show "The Wonder Years" should have been). I will now watch a UPN show with regularity.

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