22 November 2005

United States vs. Michael Scanlon: wide GOP complicity?

POGO has a copy of the indictment, along with emails released as part of the investigation... which, actually, are pretty damn funny. Here's one:
Abramoff to Ralph Reed: 'full page ad attacking Cornyn in the Washington Post today...' Reed to Abramoff: 'wow. these guys are really playing hard ball. they also did a full page ad in the austin-american today. do you know who their consultant(s) are? Jack Abramoff... tough guy: "we'll find out who and make sure all our friends crush them like bugs"
man, you can't make this shit up. How's that working out for you Jack? You clumsy frickin' dumbass... also this article, which will appear on the front page of tomorrow's Washington Post, contains some interesting revelations:
Scanlon, a 35-year-old former public relations executive, faces a maximum five years in prison and a $250,000 fine, but the penalty could be reduced depending on the level of his cooperation with prosecutors. His help is expected to be crucial to the Justice Department's wide-ranging Abramoff investigation, which began early last year after the revelation that Scanlon and the lobbyist took in tens of millions of dollars from Indian tribes unaware of their secret partnership to jack up fees and split profits. Investigators are looking at half a dozen members of Congress, current and former senior Hill aides, a former deputy secretary of the interior, and Abramoff's former lobbying colleagues, according to sources familiar with the probe who spoke on the condition of anonymity.

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