22 November 2005

he said what she said he didn't say

So, Jean Schmidt is not only an unpatriotic chickenhawk freshman, but she's also a liar. Good to know.

Three days after Rep. Jean Schmidt was booed off the House floor for saying that "cowards cut and run, Marines never do," the Ohioan she quoted disputed the comments.

Danny Bubp, a freshman state representative who is a colonel in the Marine Corps Reserve, told The Enquirer that he never mentioned Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., by name when talking with Schmidt, and he would never call a fellow Marine a coward.

~ "There was no discussion of him personally being a coward or about any person being a coward," Bubp said. "My message to the folks in Washington, D.C., and to all the Congress people up there, is to stay the course. We cannot leave Iraq or cut and run - any terminology that you want to use."
And, she [was, until this morning] in violation of House Ethics rules. Way to burst onto the scene, Madam 1-Term.

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