15 November 2005

She really thinks she's hot...

but the certifiable nutcase thing is a bit weird.

Just got back from hearing the articulate sagacious Cheney speak in New York at the Hyatt and I am assaulted with this nonsense as soon as I turn on my computer;

Cheney's Presence More Scarce at White House (front page of the lefty loving AOL via TIME Magazine)

Hey guys , he was with me! Along with Sean Hannity (the best), Peter King (who I love), Thomas Reynolds, Denny Rehberg (best man on tax reform), Virgina Foxx and various other Congressmen and women.It was informative and exatly [sic] what I expected (they promised to cut the nut). Cheney as always was clear, brilliant, reasoned and spot on. The U.S. "will not tire or rest until the War on Terror is won," thank G-d, although I wish we'd call it what it really is "the war on Radical Islamosfascism". But it is reassuring to know that despite all out war by the left on this administration (divide and conquer), they have testicular fortitude.
Occasionally, when the urge strikes me to bang my head against the wall or remove all of my fingernails with tweezers, I'll take a peek into the Wacko-World to see what's on their.... ummm.... 'minds'. More often than not, I find myself chuckling at whatever this crackpot is up to, but this post takes the cake. This chick is, in a word, gone. Intervention will not help. She does, however, have a strikingly-strong sense for spotting radical left-wing conspiracies, an incredibly high tolerance for mediocrity and an irrational fondness for Sean Hannity. If you hate Social Security, kick gay people, club seals, or share her belief that George Bush and Dick Cheney the greatest co-Presidents ever to rule the Totalitarian Theocratic States of America, she's your gal.

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