24 May 2006

UBERHACKERY: The Wall Street Journal's opinion pages strike again

Its one thing to publish admittedly one-sided commentary in hopes that you may influence debate or shift the discussion to one side or another. I do it all the time. That's what opinion pages, columns and editorials are for. In a perfect world, no matter how one-sided that perspective may be, the reader can ONLY HOPE that the person whose views are being promoted is, at a minimum, qualified to speak on the subject, and at best, is capable of seeing both sides of an issue before sharing their opinion with the world. That's not the case with the folks at The Wall Street Journal. Imagine if you will, a widely-cited column about global warming... feverishly churned out in rapid fashion in response to Al Gore's transformation into (effectively), Dr. Seuss' character The Lorax. Now, imagine the irony if such a column was actually penned by a man with the last name "Du Pont". ["Don't Be Very Worried: The truth about "global warming" is much less dire than Al Gore wants you to think."] So desperate for a voice to counter Gore's, they've trotted out Pete Du Pont to weigh in and correct the record... and save the day from Sky Is Falling Gore. I wonder why they never mentioned that Du Pont's family business tops the list of THE TOXIC 100: Top Corporate Air Polluters in the United States That's right. In the end, you're left to decide "who's right"? The majority of the global scientific community, and "a preponderance of available evidence", or THE WORLD'S BIGGEST POLLUTER? Hmmm. Tough one. [update: Shocked. I'm shocked. Pete Du Pont's day job, which is Chairman of National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) , also includes receiving $390,900 from ExxonMobil since 1998.]

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