31 October 2005

newsflash: Bush administration has staggeringly-poor judgment

Cheney Names Two to Fill Libby's Positions, John Hannah and David Addington, both mentioned in Libby's indictment, and one (Hannah) dealing with detangling the legal implications of his own personal involvement in the Plame scandal. No criminal is left behind by the criminals who rule America... they take good care of their own. [update from Murray Waas]:
...Addington was deeply immersed in the White House damage-control campaign to deflect criticism that the Bush administration misrepresented intelligence information to make the case to go to war with Iraq, according to administration and congressional sources. Moreover, as a pivotal member of the vice president's office, Addington also attended strategy sessions in 2003 on how to discredit Wilson when the former ambassador publicly charged that the Bush administration misled the country in pushing its case for war, according to attorneys in the CIA leak probe. Further, Addington played a leading role in 2004 on behalf of the Bush administration when it refused to give the Senate Intelligence Committee documents from Libby's office on the alleged misuse of intelligence information regarding Iraq. Because Addington may be in line to succeed Libby, the Intelligence Committee-White House battle over the documents has sparked new interest on Capitol Hill.
"They turn in clusters, because their roots connect them."

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