26 October 2005

like pawing at a mouse

an encore post from this doofball
YES! I have been waiting on some good news in the Senate races and finally we have some. Powerline is reporting Michael Steele will run for Senate in Maryland. My prediction is he will win. Great news!
Excellent. Stop the presses! A prediction has been made! I wonder though, what methods did said howler employ to calculate his 'prediction'? And on the basis of what broad evidence does the Mayor of Looneyville rest his judgement? Inquiring minds want to know. Should I be the first party-pooper who breaks the bad news to Mr. Mayor? It takes more than monthly cameos as Bill Maher's whipping post to impress more sophisticated voters, and as bad as the Glendening administration performed during the last 1/2 of the 90's through 2002, the Ehrlich/Steele administration has been immeasurably worse. "Miserable failure" actually comes to mind, and in the same sense that the phrase applies to George W. Bush. For those who require short, easily digestible points, here's the short version: Marylanders tend to avoid repeating mistakes at the ballot box. ... cue Diebold.

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