28 April 2005


Eric Martin hits (another) homerun, responding to accusations made by Army Sgt. Erik Saar that interrogations at Guantanamo were staged for visiting dignitaries. These allegations were highlighted on last week's episode of 60 Minutes. Reuters has more here. Martin writes:

If true, this would mark yet another example of the Bush administration's willingness to manipulate perception in order to further their purposes. From government funded propaganda in the form of faux news segments aimed at misleading the public (even faux-er than Fox), hyped intelligence reports, paid pundits pushing the party line, to the intrusion on the non-partisan character of diplomatic vehicles like the Voice of America in order to inject a pro-Bush agenda, this administration is showing a frightening predilection for playing fast and loose with the facts. These actions are markedly undemocratic in their obfuscation of the truth - which in turn hinders the ability of the public and their representatives to make well-reasoned, informed decisions - a prerequisite for the healthy functioning of democracy.

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