26 April 2005


Phil Carter on the inability thus far to implement the 9/11 commission recommendations [report]... and hits one out of the park:
"But the nuts and bolts of anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism aren't sexy — because they're mostly the nuts and bolts of law enforcement, firefighting, public health work, municipal management and logistics. This isn't '24' or 'CSI-Miami'. This is real life. And in real life, first responders and consequence-management types and others need real solutions like FM frequency management from the federal government. And they need real money to buy really simple things like protective gear and HAZMAT training, or to stage exercises so that they can practice their response plans. A reliable, accurate and accessible 'watch list' system would also be a good tool. Our eye has been on a few other balls as of late, like Iraq, Social Security, judicial nominations and many other subjects. But arguably, nothing is as important as our government's ability to protect this country's citizens from another terrorist attack. Perhaps we need to pay more attention to these issues. There may be little glamour in carving out FM frequencies for police and fire agencies, or in building a better formula to allocate federal anti-terrorism money. But that doesn't diminish these recommendations' importance, or the consequences if we fail to act on them." [source: INTEL DUMP]

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