23 April 2005

Jude Wanniski : A Good Deed for President Bush

Re: Send John Bolton Home

Of course I was thrilled to pieces that you have decided to hold up a vote on confirmation of John Bolton to be U.N. Ambassador. I've watched him operate for the last four years and can assure you there is no upside with him at Turtle Bay. He will only make trouble. In that sense, you will be doing President Bush a great favor by sending Bolton home, or to a fellowship at the American Enterprise Institute, the HQ for the Military-Industrial Complex. I'm sure you have all read this morning's front-page report in the NYTimes indicating former Secretary of State Colin Powell has refused to endorse the Bolton nomination and is doing his best behind the scenes to make sure he is not confirmed. If you spent the next six months investigating Bolton, you would see that what is now on the public record is just the tip of the iceberg on the damage he has done to the U.S. Much of it would be found in "off the record" interviews he gave to the major papers, always at the direction of the warriors who are looking for new "rogue states" to bomb. If he is cancelled, there will be a much better chance that we will avoid confrontation with Iran in the months ahead, as his first assignment by the Neo-Con cabal would be to undermine the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). I wrote about this earlier this week for Al Jazeera (gasp!). You can only imagine how the rest of the world would feel if you would not consent to this nomination. Ecstatic! It's not Bolton himself, but the warmongers he represents, who would have to regroup to think of new ways to trouble the planet. I'm sorry to inform you that Israel is part of the equation, but you all know that anyway. [source: The Conservative Voice - News]

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