30 October 2004


I'm putting this here so that every single time you look at this page today, you'll be reminded that you still have to finish that incredibly long application for Federal government employment. No, it won't do you any good to wait until after election day to decide whether or not you even want to work for the Feds, and no, it won't do you any good to cry about it either. So get off your ass and go finish up... Maybe when you're done you can play a poker tournament. And stop talking to yourself in 3rd person.


Ms. K said...

good luck with that. it's taking me almost two months to have my application reviewed and approved by the city of chicago's understaffed personnel department and i'm just going to be an intern there.

NOIP said...

Thanks man. It's a bitch of an application... and I'm still nowhere close to done. Oh well, I'm still procratinating. :)