21 October 2004

slimy Cheney lies to scare: Volume CCCLXXXVII

does this guy ever tell the truth? or ever have evidence to back up the nonsense that comes out of his mouth? Sadly, somehow, this election is going to be close despite the fact that I can't for the life of me figure out why ANYONE would vote for this crew of lying manipulators. Check this from the Center for American Progress:

In an interview with Fox's Sean Hannity that aired last night, Vice President Dick Cheney soared to new heights of hypocrisy. Fresh off warning that terrorists would bomb U.S. cities if Sen. Kerry were elected, Cheney chided Democrats for "shameless scare tactics." He then implied insurgents in Iraq were attempting to influence the election in Kerry's favor, despite admitting he had "no hard evidence" to back up that claim. Cheney repeated over and over again how dismayed he was by the "over the top" tone of the current campaign. But in the same interview, he parroted the hypocrisy and lies that have characterized his vice presidency for four years.

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