26 March 2005

lazy with blogging

A few have emailed and asked what I've been up to lately, and why I've cut back on the blogging. There really isn't a specific reason, other than things have been pretty hectic lately. We are in the middle of moving into a new house (which in itself is incredibly time consuming) and the housing market in Maryland is so competitive right now that I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. We've also done lots of traveling... and then there's the various little things that zap away the time that I otherwise would use to read and blog. Since blogging involves so much reading (lots of it), I just haven't had the time to devote to it. Another reason is that I just haven't been in the mood. But, it's good to know that there are folks out there who check in occasionally for an update. Below I posted an article about the search for a young girl named Bianca Noel Piper. She is the granddaughter of a very close family friend who went missing from her home in Missouri 2 weeks and 2 days ago. All search and rescue efforts have since been halted, and investigators have now determined that foul play likely contributed to her disappearance. This has emotionally drained us all as we pray for her safe return. I do expect to be blogging again soon. Just taking a much needed break for a while. Thanks to those who cared to ask. Later.

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