22 April 2006

memo to Schwarzenegger

you're not going to get a Presidential disaster declaration for your own levee system until some 'event' causes the necessary damages to warrant one. Further, you're going to have to empirically show that repairing the levee system is not within the capabilities of the State of California to handle on its own. The Emergency Declaration you already received is a stretch and, franky, a gift. Take it, and don't look this gift horse in the mouth. Also, please consult with the very capable program staff within your own Office of Emergency Services before crafting silly press releases asking for the President to sidestep existing law. He really doesn't need any more instances of that. Last, be aware, that using the Army Corps of Engineers is about the most expensive option one could ever decide upon. You're on the hook for the cost-share anyway. PS: enjoy your only term.

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