15 September 2004

stop the madness

bring our troops home With each and every case like this, we become further entrenched in cycles of violence akin to that of Palestinians + Hamas vs Israelis. When our military forces kill Iraqi civilians and Arab reporters there are 2 immediate consequences: The first consequence George Bush seems to understand very well and seemingly enjoys; that a bunch of Arabs are dead, and cant kill us later. This is in fact, why we invaded Iraq, correct? To preemptively kill the terrorists before they kill us? The second consequence which, like grammar and simple math, seems entirely beyond George Bush's powers of comprehension, is more dramatic, more direct, and well... is the consequence that will most likely result... a new breed and generation of ACTUAL terrorists! Yay! And now they're ACTUALLY hell-bent on killing Americans... just like George said! Except this group didn't have a terrorist's mindset, until our Apache helicopter blasted another crowd of civilians and killed someone's brother, sister, mother, father, whatever. I hope someone finds a way to end this god damned war and give the keys to Iraq to the fucking people of Iraq. IT IS THEIR COUNTRY AFTER ALL!

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