17 June 2004

State files suit against Enron

from the Sacramento Business Journal Attorney General Bill Lockyer filed a lawsuit Thursday against Enron to recover potentially hundreds of millions of dollars from the company "for the massive, unlawful market manipulation and fraud it committed during the California Energy Crisis of 2000-01." ~ "At the same time this corrupt enterprise successfully lobbied its friends in the federal government to block price caps and blame California, it was robbing our businesses and consumers blind," Lockyer said. "Enron was the architect of a rip-off scheme that bled billions of dollars from our state's economy. They may be bankrupt, but we will hold them accountable. Grandma Millie is California. I am her lawyer, and she seeks justice." ~ Additionally, Lockyer said, the tapes indicate Enron's top two executives, Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling, had knowledge of the market manipulation and received briefings on how it enriched the company.

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