21 April 2004

stupid terrorist update: MXIVII

NTI: Global Security Newswire

Palestinian Student Reportedly Intended to Make HIV Bomb A Palestinian engineering student intended to construct an HIV-infected bomb to be detonated in a crowded place in Israel by a suicide bomber, Fox News reported today from Jerusalem (see GSN, April 13). Rami Abdullah, 24 and a member of Yasser Arafat’s Fatah movement, said he had researched the possibility of making an HIV-infected weapon on the Internet. He was searching for an HIV-infected blood donor when he was arrested last month. “After a period, it will kill a lot of people,” Abdullah said. Abdullah said he still intends to build a biological weapon once he is freed from prison if the intifada is still going on (Claudia Cowen, Fox News, April 21).