01 March 2004

Republican Terrorists

Chris Nelson shows irrefutable evidence that the GOP actually does create little terrorists, and then follows it up with some very good suggestions to the Left on how to counter these lame-brained constructs of conservative ideology. Because these are issues I find personally aborrhent, I'll keep most of my choice comments to myself. But I'll leave a couple of passing thoughts: -are people REALLY so foolish that they honestly think liberals hate America? -is driving a wedge through the middle of the American voting public still a winning strategy for the folks at the RNC? Check out this email from the level-headed right.

From: "Baker, J." [liberalbasher@sbcglobal.net] To: [webmaster@awolbush.com] Subject: Comments . . . Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2004 22:33:11 -0500 You people are beyond evil. George W. Bush will be re-elected to a second term, and hopefully it will drive die-hard idiotic leftists to commit suicide, that would be the bonus round! Instead of bitching about how much you hate George W. Bush and how he stole the election and went AWOL from the National Guard, why don't you rotten cocksuckers spend your time and money and offer up a candidate who isn't a god-damned America-hating lunatic? You people are utterly useless to humanity and wholly better off dead, burning in eternal damnation. Ya know, I think it's too bad that we can't follow Saddam's model of dealing with opposition - just open up mass graves and start torturing, maiming, and murdering liberals and leftists by the millions - toss them into the ground, and fill the holes up with dirt. I would love to volunteer for such duty! Eat shit and die, all of you! J. Baker Phoenix
Nice. See what happens when you peddle filth?

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